Wheel Alignment in Rowland Heights

Is your vehicle drifting to one side? Are your tires wearing down unevenly? These are some of the common signs of misaligned tires. By taking your vehicle to Velo's Auto for a wheel alignment, you can prevent unnecessary wear and maintain a smooth driving experience.

Phone us today at (626) 968-1699 to get in touch with our auto shop and request our services.

What Is a Tire Alignment?

You may have heard of the importance of proper car wheel alignments, but what do they actually do for your vehicle? Hitting bumps with your vehicle will cause them to become misaligned over time, which can become worse if not addressed. Auto alignments are an adjustment of your vehicle’s suspension system that ensures your wheels are angled according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

It is generally advised that you receive an auto wheel alignment about once every 2 to 3 years, or every 6000 miles. However, if you have had a heavy impact or recently changed your tires, it is a good idea to have our experts check your wheels.

Complete Car Alignments

When you trust our mechanics with your vehicle, you can always expect first-rate service. We will perform a thorough assessment of your wheels and suspension system to locate any issues and determine the work that needs to be done.

During our certified tire alignments, our technicians will check the following areas:

  • Camber: The inward and outward tilt of the front tires when viewed from the front
  • Toe: The turning of your tires when viewed from above
  • Caster: The slope of your steering access when viewed from the side of your vehicle

This is just a brief overview of what we look for with our auto alignments. When you bring your vehicle to us for service, one of our experts will be happy to explain all of their work in detail.

Your Source for a Quick Auto Alignment

Thanks to our accommodating scheduling and swift turnarounds, you can get your wheels aligned without inconveniencing yourself. We can typically complete auto alignments in about an hour, but our mechanics will let you know if they expect your work to take longer. Don’t postpone your wheel alignment and contact us today to book a time that works for you.

Put Your Trust in Our Wheel Alignment Services

We have worked hard to make Velo's Auto a name that vehicle owners in Rowland Heights trust. Throughout our time in business, we have been honored to establish many loyal clients and earn a reputation for reliable auto alignments. If you are searching for a well-established local auto shop, then we hope that you will give us the opportunity to demonstrate our abilities.

Call Us Today

We look forward to providing you with an accurate wheel alignment. Our services will help you improve your driving experience and prevent uneven wear on your tires. You can get in touch with us at (626) 968-1699 if you have any questions or would like to schedule a service appointment.